The Adventure of 2 Friends...

Siamoise is the story of two childhood friends who come together around a common passion.

Ella the Parisian and Lucie the globetrotter, found themselves in Carqueiranne: this peaceful little village in the south of France bordered by the turquoise waters of the Giens peninsula.

It was in the "39", bus to go to high school that we met and never left each other.

After many adventures, nonsense, laughs and a few shouting matches, we got together. followed, in class and all the way to Paris to both begin our professional careers.

If Lucie had already found the man of her life and was sure of herself when it came to her vocation in the audiovisual sector, Ella groped her way from the benches of the Sorbonne to Parisian clubs to finally find a shoe that suited her.

A few years later, mothers of several children each, carried or adopted, they live a life of two hundred on time. After 15 years directing television shows known and loved by all, Lucie decided to change her life and devote herself to her family, when Ella became an expert in sustainable development.

It's because we complement each other and we know each other by heart that the desire to embark on this adventure was born.

As mother hens and flirtatious, we wanted a brand in our image: mischievous, quirky, colorful, joyful, for us, our children and all our girlfriends.

We decided to launch a business model without overproduction to limit unsold products and therefore destruction. The key word will be the quality of our products, which are always more durable and at affordable prices. In a few months, we want to be able to create a solidarity shop and have collections made up partly of sleepy fabrics and responsible materials so as not to waste anything and have a virtuous production cycle.

Lucie & her Tribe...

Ella & her blended family...

The team

As a friend, confidant and sister at heart, the name Siamoise has imposed itself on us.

We want to take many and many of you on board this adventure, and to expand the family Siamoise.

Siamoise lend us a hand:

Marion Ben Lisa

Artist discovered in Toulon, Lucie & Ella are fans! Full of talent, she imagined, designed and created our visual identity.

Julien Dominguez

A talented artist and photographer, he knows Team Siamoise well for having immortalized magical moments in their private lives.